where to look – the nine drishtis

12mA drishti is a point on which to focus the eye gaze. There are nine drishtis in yoga:

– Angushta Drishti (tip of the thumb, as used when the arms lift in Namaskar)
– Hastagra Drishti (tip of the middle finger or at the hand, as in Trikonasana)
– Padagra Drishti (tip of the big toe, as in Janu Sirasana)
– Nasagra Drishti (tip of the nose, as used in forward bends)
– Nabi Drishti (navel, as in Adho Mukha Savasana/Downward facing dog)
– Parshva Drishti (right side, as used in a twist)
– Parshva Drishti (left side, see above)
– Urdva Drishti (up to space, as in Utkatasana)
– Brumadya Drishti (third eye, as in Matsyasana/fish pose or meditation)

A gazing or focal point draws your attention inwards and towards one point, which helps still the mind and control prana (life force). The body tends to follow the eye gaze, so a drishti can also deepen a posture and maintain alignment. Often a drishti is chosen for a particular pose based on the alignment of the head and therefore where the eyes should be positioned. Practice your drishti and notice how it changes your body and your mind.