crow vs crane pose

crow vs crane

Crow (Kakasana) and Crane (Bakasana) are two yoga asanas that are very similar to each other, and are often referred to interchangingly.

But they are in fact two different poses.

kakasana crane-pose

In the first photo, we see Kakasana (Crow), the slightly easier variation of the pose with bent arms. In the second photo, we see Bakasana (Crane), with the arms straight. In Crane pose, your centre of mass is shifted higher and so it is more difficult to hold. Both poses have similar benefits, with a focus on the wrists. These postures are great for repetitive strain injuries, as they strengthen the wrists. To ensure there is not excessive pressure on the wrists, you need to make sure the alignment of the posture is correct, with the fingers facing forward, interal rotation of the forearm and external rotation of the upper arm. The energy is drawn up the arm to activate the muscles needed to hold the pose. There are side variations of these postures too. Take a look at our side crow video here.

Crow and Crane have some great physcial benefits:

  • Strengthens shoulders, arms and wrists
  • Stretches the upper back
  • Strengthens the abdominal muscles
  • Opens the groin
  • Tones the abdominal organs

Metaphysically, these asanas open the heart chakra and work into the heart meridian which runs along the arms. The heart chakra and meridian are related to love, compassion, kindess and patience and their opposites, with the lungs, breasts, thymus gland and the heart itself being some of the organs associated with this energy centre.

You should avoid or take extra care in these postures in if you have carpal tunnel syndrome or are pregnant.

what child’s pose is doing for you

8-childs-poseBalasana (Child’s Pose)

This restorative pose is practiced as resting posture to rejuvenate energy during a yoga class. But it’s doing more for you than you might think…

The physical benefits are profound, but the benefits on the mind are even better, with stress and emotional tension falling away in Child’s Pose.

Balasana benefits:

  • calms the brain, reducing stress, emotional tension and anxiety
  • stretches the back, hips, thighs and ankles
  • stretches and conditions the knee (though avoid this pose if you have knee concerns/injuries)
  • massages lympnodes in the groin
  • allows the breath to become the focus
  • regulates circulation
  • relieves dizziness and nausea

So don’t skip it! Take it when you need to and when given the opportunity. Stay in your practice, especially in Child’s Pose. Namaste 🙂

*In pregnancy, take wide legs. Avoid Balasana if you have diarrohea, reflux a or serious knee concerns.